Alfred Dilluvio, Aqua Turf Irrigation Systems
I can remember the very first winter I used a key transmitter to start my car from the warmth and safety of my bedroom. In the midst of one of the coldest winters on record, opening the door to a vehicle that was already warm inside was one of the greatest pleasures I had ever known. Well, let’s not get carried away, but it was very nice. I knew that heating up the car was important for many reasons (warm up electrical components, help melt snow and ice etc.) but it was the idea that I could control the temperature of my car without having to walk out into the cold. Shortly thereafter, I remember my father installing a Nest Smart Learning Thermostat that extended this concept to the home. Here was a way to control the temperature of different parts of your home from a remote location. Additionally, it would learn your habits and develop a schedule designed to save money and keep you comfortable. We immediately loved the functionality of the Nest thermostat and we have been following the development of Nest products ever since. Considering the new and innovative smart irrigation controllers (some of which are compatible with Nest) we decided to move into the business of smart home automation. We contacted Nest about a month or so ago and became certified as a Nest Pro installer. Let’s take a moment to talk about the Nest thermostat.
Nest Smart Learning Thermostat
I was going to give you a brief overview of the Nest and tell you my experiences with it but the Nest Smart Learning Thermostat (being so smart) wanted to tell you itself. Take it away Nest.
Hi, I am the Nest Smart Learning Thermostat (That’s me on the right). I know you have a thermostat already but I’d be willing to bet that your current thermostat cannot do what I do. Hey, I will be the first to admit that your current thermostat paved the way for me, no doubt about it. But it’s time to make a change. And here’s why.
I can learn your preferred temperatures and schedule. Every time you make changes to me, I jot it down and keep it in the back of my head. Eventually, I start to know what temperature you like at what times. Don’t worry, I got your back. Another thing about me, I sense when you’ve left the house or when you come home. Why would I make your heating or cooling system work hard if you aren’t here? I turn it down when you’re out and turn it up when your home. It’s as simple as that. And hey, if it’s cold during the day and you want it warm before you are home, you can always send me a message and I can turn it up a little sooner. I’m always here and you don’t even have to feed me.
Did I mention I’m smart? I’ll send you tips and feedback on your energy use. I can generate reports to help you figure out what’s going on with your systems. We can figure it out together. Or I can handle it on my own.
I am connected to your Wi-Fi so you can control me from anywhere. I’ll bet your current thermostat isn’t connected to Wi-Fi. You can always get a hold of me via phone. Talk to me during the day… I get lonely sometimes. It’s sad here without you; maybe it’s that “empty nest” thing mothers sometimes go through.
Ok, so I know that looks aren’t the most important thing, but when you consider I am going to be mounted on your wall, you have to think about aesthetics. Take a look at me. What a babe right? Smooth lines, beautiful structure… they tell me I’m easy on the eyes. Not like that clunky rectangular fool you have mounted on your wall. I am function and style all at once. It’s as simple as that.
Listen, here’s the bottom line with me. I’m going to make you proud of me. I’ll bet you tell your neighbors, friends, and families that I’m cool. And you know what else? You will feel better about yourself because of me. I’m environmentally friendly and I save you money, and even though my color scheme is technically black and grey, I am one of the Greenest things you will own.
Here, let me tell you one last thing, and then I have to get back to work. I know I sound a bit smug, but I really think I’m the best thermostat for the job. Just give me a try. You can buy me from a lot of different places but the best way to do it if you are at all nervous about installing me is to contact a Nest Pro. The guys at Aqua Turf know what’s up. Hey, I look forward to talking to you. Like I said, you’ll like Me, I’m cool….
Or hot. Depends on what you like.